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**National Bestseller & 12x Published Author **

Award acknowledgment by prior President Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama

My Demon  World -full cover.JPG
My Name is Chris- Survival And Redemptio
kill Krissy full cover.JPG
Tales of momma full cover.JPG
The Tale of Hound Dog full cover.JPG
mariah full cover.JPG
picasso full cover.JPG
La Supervivencia Y La Redencion (No Ficcion)       Yo tenía tres años cuando conocí a mi abusador. El abuso mental, físico y sexual era mi infi erno cotidiano que ahora estaba viviendo. Fui violada, golpeada y estrangulada con un cable de teléfono. Después de abuso se le dijo a mi madre me abandonó. El diablo le compró una casa, coche y le dio dinero para deshacerse de mí. Mi madre empezó parcelas venganza contra mí. Una vez quise que mi abusador muerto por todo lo que hizo para mí, pero Dios me ayudó a perdonarlo con todo mi corazón. Recogiendo los pedazos que vi la luz y esto me hizo más fuerte para luchar por los demás que no tienen voz. Nadie luchó para mí como un niño debido a que voy a ser la voz de los demás. El abuso es todo lo que nos rodea; ayúdame a pelear esta batalla para todos los niños para detener estos secretos y mentiras!  
Hound Dog & Mariah’s Daring Adventure
(The tale of their great love and loyalty)​   -Juvenile Fiction


This is a wonderful children’s book about a story of pets that save lives and go above and beyond to help. Bullying and sharing are other subject matters expressed in this book. Pets to some people like me are considered a part of the family. We treasure them and love them so much. This book has cartoon pictures of Hound Dog, Mariah Starr, and me which will have everyone following along with this sweet story.
Hound Dog and Mariah (Help find Picasso a forever home).

Hound Dog and Mariah (Help find Picasso a forever home).

Children's 2nd series book-Juvenile Fiction

The tale of Picasso courageous battle for life. From Abandonment, neglect, and abuse issues to adoption into a forever home. Hound Dog and Mariah show Picasso there is light after all you've been through where others will love and support you.

I was three years old when I first met my abuser.  Mental, physical and sexual abuse was the everyday HELL that I now was living. I was raped, beaten, and strangled with a phone cord. After abuse was told my mother abandoned me. The devil bought her a house, car and gave money to get rid of me. My mother started revenge plots against me.  I once wanted my abuser dead for all he did to me but God helped me to forgive him with all my heart.  Picking up the pieces I saw the light and this made me stronger to fight for others that don’t have a voice. No one fought for me as a child because of that I will be the voice for others. Abuse is all around us; help me fight this battle for all children to stop these secrets and lies!

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